Construction Machinery

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Air Compressors 1.jpg__PID:e8d0dfaa-be01-45c8-9ec9-63c90bc404af
Automatic Rendering Machine (Plastering) 2.jpg__PID:dfaabe01-05c8-4ec9-a3c9-0bc404af93fb
Bulldozer 1.jpg__PID:be0105c8-5ec9-43c9-8bc4-04af93fb99d2
Cement Mortar Spraying Machine 2.jpg__PID:0105c85e-c963-490b-8404-af93fb99d207

Air Compressors

Automatic Rendering Machine (Plastering)


Cement Mortar Spraying Machine

Compactor 1.jpg__PID:05c85ec9-63c9-4bc4-84af-93fb99d2073e
Concrete Boom Pump 1.jpg__PID:c85ec963-c90b-4404-af93-fb99d2073ecf
Concrete Leveling Machine 1.jpg__PID:5ec963c9-0bc4-44af-93fb-99d2073ecfdc
Concrete Mixer 1.jpg__PID:c963c90b-c404-4f93-bb99-d2073ecfdc61


Concrete Boom Pump

Concrete Leveling Machine

Concrete Mixer

Drilling RIGS & Breakers 1.jpg__PID:63c90bc4-04af-43fb-99d2-073ecfdc61fe
Hand Wall Polishing Machine 1.jpg__PID:c90bc404-af93-4b99-9207-3ecfdc61fe51
Hose crimping Machine 1.jpg__PID:0bc404af-93fb-49d2-873e-cfdc61fe5114
Metal Crusher.jpg__PID:c404af93-fb99-4207-becf-dc61fe5114f0

Drilling RIGS & Breakers

Hand Wall Polishing Machine

Hose crimping Machine

Metal Crusher

Mini Excavator 1.jpg__PID:04af93fb-99d2-473e-8fdc-61fe5114f09d
Pile Breaker 1.jpg__PID:af93fb99-d207-4ecf-9c61-fe5114f09d04
Self Loading Machines 1.jpg__PID:93fb99d2-073e-4fdc-a1fe-5114f09d04bf
Wheel Loader 1.jpg__PID:fb99d207-3ecf-4c61-be51-14f09d04bf23

Mini Excavator

Pile Breaker

Self Loading Machines

Wheel Loader

Automatic Rendering Machine Function: Automates the application of render or plaster to walls, enhancing speed and consistency. Application: Ideal for residential and commercial construction projects, reducing labor costs and improving surface finishes. Bulldozer Function: Heavy machine for moving earth, clearing and grading land. Application: Essential in road construction, mining operations, and large excavation projects. Concrete Boom Pump Function: Pumps concrete to high or hard-to-reach places using a robotic arm. Application: Crucial for constructing high-rise buildings and laying concrete in complex structures. Drilling Rigs & Breakers Function: Used for drilling into earth and rock; breakers help demolish concrete. Application: Key in mining, quarrying, and demolition operations. Excavator Function: Versatile digging and lifting machine with an articulated arm and bucket. Application: Used in digging foundations, trenches, and for heavy lifting. Self-Loading Machines Function: Machines that automatically load materials like asphalt, debris, and soil. Application: Streamlines processes in road building and site preparation, enhancing efficiency.